The emphasis of this hallmark of senior activity centers was health and wellness for senior adults. Situated on a hilltop overlooking downtown Rochester, this traditional brick structure flows across the site, blending with the contours of the natural setting. Wood slat ceilings, metal roofing, stone accents and masonry in Earth tones give this facility a stately, sophisticated appearance.
Visitors can take advantage of over 37,000 square feet dedicated to health and wellness, including two pools, one for aerobic activity and another for therapeutic programs. A gymnasium, indoor walking track, aerobics room and exercise room add to the myriad of fitness opportunities. Nearly 9,000 sq ft is arranged into arts-and-crafts classrooms while an emphasis on nutrition is evidenced by a large commercial style kitchen and dining room.
Project Details:
Project Name:
Senior Activity Center
Older Persons Commission
Rochester, MI
Sq Ft: