41-B District Courthouse

The 41-B District Court was formerly housed in two separate facilities. The three communities in the court’s jurisdiction consolidated operations into one facility. The classically inspired exterior of the new building pulls materials from the nearby Fire Station and will create a common language for municipal facilities in the area.

The two story, 46,000 square foot facility includes a ground-level sally port, basementlevel holding cells, three courtrooms, a magistrate hearing room, probation department, court administration and ancillary support spaces. Separation of the public, private and prisoner circulation systems is integral to the physical plan. This is merely one component of the security and technology systems.

The building also utilizes an energy-efficient ground source geothermal loop for heating and cooling, which will provide superior control and comfort for the occupants while consuming less energy. This ultimately saves operating costs for the life of the building.

Project Details:

Project Name:
41-B District Courthouse
41-B District Court Management Council
Clinton Township, MI
Sq Ft:

Project Summery:
